Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm Here!!!

To all you millions who wait with bated breath for my next blog'll be waiting a long time...

We have finally moved to Colorado, but the house is is worse shape than I expected and right now moving is about as chaotic as it could get. There are many days hours minutes that I feel like running away...far away. As I expected, it has been very difficult to merge the households. I am, and always be, my mother's daughter and I fear that I will never be a responsible young woman in her eyes. I think we all have these "mommy issues", mine are just magnified by living in the same 300 square feet (the rest of the house is under construction, so we are all living in the same room, plus the living's a wreck.) Hopefully, we can take pictures and I will show you what's been going on. The good news is that the house is going to be very cute when its all done...and I won't have to live here for that's just a year...

For now, I've got to run...

1 comment:

Mary said...

You have been in my thoughts these past couple of weeks! I hope things go smoothly for you and your family. Update when you can!