I was getting ready for dinner and the kids were acting crazy when my phone rang two days ago. It was a realtor who wanted to see our house (yeah!!!) but as I looked around I began to panic. My house wasn't close to clean. She set an appointment for 10:30 in the morning, which was workable. I started cleaning immediately and stayed up until 2:00am! I got up at 7:00am and continued to clean until the appointment. My husband stayed up until 11:00pm cleaning with me and in the morning, he cleaned the outside of the house for me before going to work!!! Amazing. In the end, we did get it done, had two visits and now I feel like I am living in someone else's house!!! It is really enjoyable knowing that I am sitting at my computer right now in the middle of the morning and I have already done the dishes, started dinner, done laundry and my house is clean!!! The kids and I are going to run around and straighten up before lunch and naps and before dinner (and probably before bed too!) in order to train them to keep up the house. I feel like I have a new lease on life!!! (Just wait till I lose the weight too!!! I'll be unstoppable!!!)
Anyway, I have seen photo tours of home and I have always wanted to do it, but have never had my entire house cleaned at one time before. So today I went around taking pictures of all the rooms and I will post them here, for my sake as well as yours.
This is the view from the front door. I know, not much to look at :). You can see the kids' Christmas project on the right, which is hanging at the edge of the living room. The dining room is to the left and the kitchen is off that. Down the hall, you can see my "laundry room" and straight into my bedroom. A hall in front of my door leads to the bathroom. The door next to mine is the kids' room and the third room is next to that (behind that closet on the left). Whew! Here are the pictures!
This is the dining room, taking from the kitchen. I have two pantries, one on either side of the table. I use the glass door one for my regular food and the other closet-looking one for bulk storage and baking stuff. You can see my huge fruit bowl. Yum!
Love the tour! I guess I never thought about one having a purple laptop!!!!
Everything looks lovely!
I don't actually have a purple laptop. I have a Mac (white) and bought a hard shell case for it which is purple. Love it! I'm not afraid of my girly side anymore :)
I just read your comment you left on my farm blog. I pray that I didn't offend you, as I was pointing out how things have changed in society!
Contentment in what I am currently entrusted with has made all the difference. I do not know if you have heard of Michelle Malkin, but she shared my story for her readers on Thanksgiving http://michellemalkin.com/2008/11/27/giving-thanks-for-self-reliant-americans/#comments
I have lived a life that was much more fast paced filled with stuff. God works on each of us on His timetable.
I come here to your corner of the woods(via the world wide web) because you- woven in all your writings- have a sincere desire to become who the Lord wants you to be.
I find it refreshing to swing over. In fact I appreciate the straight honesty that comes off each post.
Perhaps just as reality tv is so big, so is blogworld. We desire to see truth in whatever form.
Oh and the girly side is a blessing- so keep it up!!
~~thanks so much,
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