Tuesday, December 2, 2008

5 Simple Steps

After having a couple of good responses to my previous post, I decided to start with 5 simple steps toward a simple life. It's an obvious enough reason: doable change.

1. Create healthy menus based on "staples" that can be stocked up and saved or prepared ahead of time. Create a recipe collection for inspiration.
2. NO TV in the mornings. This is going to be hard, but it is when we watch the most TV, so cutting it out is essential.
3. Cultivate contentment by purposefully thanking God for what I already have whenever I find myself being greedy or covetous; appreciate the clothes I already have and focus less on what I could have (if I just started sewing).
4. Clean! When the "blahs" set in during the morning, begin moving! Focus on a room (following the chart I have already created) and do it!
5. Move! Incorporate exercise into our now TV-free mornings by starting the day with a good walk with the kids or an evening walk as a family or jump for a minute every hour or scrub the floor or...adding physical activity to my day even in small amounts.

How does that sound? Now I have to go clean!


Nicole said...

Hi Kristi,

I just wanted to say I read your comment over at the recent post on Homeliving Helper and then this post about simplifying and I just wanted to say be encouraged! If you ever stroll over my blog, and especially if you read the first entry, you'll see that I totally get the struggling to be a good home manager. I hear your pain about looking back and seeing mistakes, but I just want to encourage you that seeing the problem is really half of the solution and I can see that the Lord is empowering you to make those needed changes. God bless you, sister, I am praying for you today!

Pen of Jen said...

Well I am cheering for you~

I love that you are so focused and I know that you can do this.
Jennifer(Humble wife)